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Monday, January 17, 2011

Put down a priority list!

I am sure that everybody must have gone through a phase where you must have thought 'I am all alone....everybody is doing so well.... where am I....what an I doing...!!' Encountered this recently, when my faculty from my masters class asked me why I took admission in Journalism and why I want to do this course. Where everybody answered I want to be this and that... and my mind was blank... Where do I see myself after 10 years...? I wondered 'oh! shit...I don't know why am I here... After not attending millions of lecture, which I felt was boring and unnecessary I thought spending time with a friend actually became the priority of all'.

After messing around my life....doing stuff which even I am guilty of I thought Will this time Come back?, then why not let's set priorities... Another messed up issue to sort!!

Studies? Parents? Career? Love? Friends? Big words and still don't know where to put them on my priority list. since childhood Maa telling me, 'Beta! one day you will find your love and will get married' So is love a priority? Dad telling me, 'Beta! You have to make me proud and I know you will do it'. So much of confidence in me? EXPECTATIONS!! I will dad... I will... Studies and career are my priorities. Again confused...Parents, Love, studies, career blah.. blah!! Oh My god! It was a bad idea to even make a priority list. Experimenting and putting all my hearts and sinking in my master’s class and studying, but again failed as somebody complimented me for my eyes and then I thought 'He is the one! The love of my life!! But i will be honest here my priority suddenly changed. After a month I realised, that people actually compliments you to mend their own ways! Saying and doing stuffs under the warm blanket of friendship! Nobody is honest. When I thought I am being one, then people thought I am faking it up as the did initially. So why be honest!

Just simply prioritise youself! Whom to talk, whom to be with, whom to share things with, whom to trust and try to indulge in yourself as that will give strength to walk happily through the beach side of life. All the best with your Priority List.

1 comment:

  1. good article...wd evry true wrd....Studies? Parents? Career? Love? Friends? can make one really cnfuse....i like it....
